Ponti *** Drochaidean *** Brücken

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 1. Oran na breugan                                                      The song of lies

Tha fadachd cian do ghaoil orm,                                                                                       Long have I been without your love

‘S tha mulad mòr às d’aonais orm                                                                                     Great is my sorrow without you

Tha fadachd cian do ghaoil orm                                                                                        Long have I been without your love


Fhuair mi nead na liath-chirce am bàrr nan tonna-iargalta                                          I found the nest of the grey hen on top of the waves                                   

Bha’n coileach anns a’chliabadaich is cliabh air bac a’ghairdein.                               The cockerel struggling with a basket obstructing his arms


Chunna mi na tàrmachain an talamh-toll san àrd-dorus,                                             I saw the ptarmigan in a hole above the high door

Bha’n dreathan-donn ‘s dà ràmh aige, cur bàta ‘n aghaidh gaoithe.                         The brown wren with two oars steering the boat against the wind


Chunna mi, ‘s gum b’fhiosrach mi, na ròin a’falbh le litrichean,                                  I saw, and I could not believe it, the seals leavng with letters

Maileid is peilios orra is iad cho glic le daoine.                                                               With a bag and a coat, and they were as wise as people


Chunna mi na sùlairean a’dannsadh anns na cùl-taighean,                                         I saws the gannets dancing in the outhouse

A’chuthag is gug-gùg aice, a’piocadh sùil nan caorach.                                                The cuckoo with his ‘cuckoo’ pecking out the eyes of sheep


 2. Die Gedanken sind frei                              The thoughts are free

Die Gedanken sind frei, wer kann sie erraten,                                                Thoughts are free, who can guess them,

sie fliehen vorbei, wie nächtliche Schatten.                                                     they flee past like nightime shadows.

Kein Mensch kann sie wissen, kein Jäger erschießen.                                No one can know them, no hunter can shoot them dead

Es bleibet dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei.                                                          It remains: The thoughts are free!


Ich denke, was ich will, und was mich beglücket,                                            I think what I want and what makes me happy,

doch alles in der Still, und wie es sich schicket.                                                but always inwardly, and as it suits.

Mein Wunsch und Begehren kann niemand verwehren,                              My wish, my desire no one can deny,

es bleibet dabei: die Gedanken sind frei.                                                          It remains: The thoughts are free!


Und sperrt man mich ein im finsteren Kerker,                                                   And if someone locks me in the dark prison,

das alles sind rein vergebliche Werke;                                                                All that is absolutely wasted work.

denn meine Gedanken zerreißen die Schranken                                             Because my thoughts pull the barriers to pieces

und Mauern entzwei: die Gedanken sind frei.                                                 and walls in two, the thoughts are free!


Drum will ich auf immer den Sorgen entsagen                                                I want to renounce forever the worries

und will mich auch nimmer mit Grillen mehr plagen.                                     and want to never again plague myself with whims

Man kann ja im Herzen stets lachen und scherzen                                          One can in the heart always laugh and joke

und denken dabei: die Gedanken sind frei.                                                      and think: The thoughts are free!

 3. Cnoc nan Torran                                                      Hill of torran (wild angelica)

Seisd: Ochoin mo leanabh, ochoin a ri,                                                                            Ochone my baby, ochone oh Lord,

Ochoin mo leannan, ‘s trom dubhach mo chaoidh!                                                      Ochone my darling, how heavy my grief!


Cnoc an ailleort ‘s deagh chumadh, cnoc mo dhorainn  a chaoidh thu                  Hill of high rock so shapely, hill of sorry, lamenting          

Cnoc nan Torran mo dhunaidh, cnocan fearain a chlaoidh mi.                                   Hill of torran, my bad luck, hill of land that has drained me.


Bha mo phàisde gu lurach, beadar aoibhinn ri m’chluais aic’                                     My baby was so happy, sweet her song to my hearing

Moch ‘us anmoch bhiodh luinneag troimh a bilean a’gluasad.                                  Late and early the singing through her lips always pouring


Thàinig Lionasdal lonach, lon-chraois acrach na luban                                                Came in Lammas so luckless, hungry-mouthed were its marshes

Gu robh mise air mo ghonadh, b’olc mo bhuineag ‘s a chumadh                              Oh how sorely I’ve been in pain for the loss I have suffered.


Bha mo phàisde ‘s an lochan, cha robh mathair gu feum dhi                                      My baby drowned in the lochan, and her mother has failed her,

Bha mo cheile ann an Haisgeir, cha do chairich mi breid air.                                       My husband lost at Haisgeir, and not laid out in linen.


Bliadhna leuma na dunaidh, ciod a choisinn an euchd ud.                                           It’s the leap year of evil which has earned me this ending

Cnoc nan Torran an mollachd, cnoc mo dhorainn ‘s nan cleithean.                          Hill of torran of curses, hill of sorrow and trickery.

4. Call me to the dance

 The new moon casts a sheen upon the meadow green,   How often have I dared to cast aside my cares,
The wind carries the sound of laughter through the trees. Drifting with the music beyond time and space?
Coming with the dawn the music lingers on, Fill me with its song, carry me along,
Bringing forth a song of life upon the breeze. Lift me far above this common earthly place.

 Into the early dawn the music bids me come, Remember its a lie when they tell you not to try
Leave behind my worries and my black despair, To reach beyond the stars, beyond the galaxy.
Anger and my greed, these things I don't need, Within you have the means to fashion your own dreams,
Life can be as light as music on the air. And decide upon your own reality.

 They call me to the dance, come and take a chance, Will you ride for free into eternity,
Look beyond the blinders of my life. While the carnival of life has just begun?
What mysteries will unfold, what wonders to behold? What mask will you wear, the grey fox or the hare?
See beyond the shadows, beyond the lies. Will you be the hunter or the hunted one?

Will you follow blind, no matter what you find,
Believing in the trap that's set for all mankind?
There seems to be no end, but you can make it bend,
Step outside the game, outside the dance of time.

 5. La montanara                                                La montanara

 Là su per le montagne, tra boschi e valli d’or                     Up there in the mountains among forests and golden valleys

Tra l’aspre rupi echeggia un cantico d’amor                        between the rugged cliffs a love song resonates.

La su per le montagne, tra boschi e valli d’or                       Up there in the mountains among forests and golden valleys

Tra l’aspre rupi echeggia un cantico d’amor                        between the rugged cliffs a love song resonates.


La montanara, ohé, si sente cantare                                      "La Montanara, ohe" is heard being sung

Cantiam la montanara e chi non la sa                                   let's sing La Montanara and who doesn't know it?

La montanara, ohé, si sente cantare                                      "La Montanara, ohe" is heard being sung

Cantiam la montanara e chi non la sa                                   let's sing La Montanara and who doesn't know it?


La su sui monti dai rivi d’argento                                          Up there in the mountains among silvery streams

Una capanna cosparsa di fior                                                  a cabin covered in flowers

Era la piccolo dolce dimora                                                      was the little lovely abode

Di Soreghina, la figlia del Sol.                                                  of Soreghina, the daughter of the sun,

 6. Sealgair a’choilich bhuidhe                      Hunter of the yellow grouse

 Gura mise tha gu dubhach                                                      I am so mournful

Hao ri ‘s na hurabhi hiu o                                                        Hao ri ‘s na hurabhi hiu o             

Mu shealgair a’choilich bhuidhe                                             About the hunter of the yellow grouse

Hoireann is hurabhi hó hò;   Hoireann is hurabhi hó hi ri o;                       Hoireann is hurabhi hó hò; Hoireann is hurabhi hó hi ri o;

Hoireann is hurabhi hó hò                                                       Hoireann is hurabhi hó hò;

 Chuala mi do ghlaodh s’a’bhruthach,                                   I heard your cry on the hillside

Ach ma chuala cha d’chuir umhail                                         But though I heard it I didn’t pay attention

 Ach ma chuala cha d’chuir umhail,                                        But though I heard it I didn’t pay attention

Gus an cualas guth an fhidhich                                               Until I heard the voice of the raven

Gus an cualas guth an fhidhich                                               Until I heard the voice of the raven

Mile mallachd air na braithrean!                                                          A thousand curses on the brothers!

 Mile mallachd air na braithrean!                                                          A thousand curses on the brothers!

Dh’fhàg iad air mo bheulaibh sgàthan:                                   They left a mirror in front of me:

 Dh’fhàg iad air mo bheulaibh sgàthan:                                  They left a mirror in front of me:

Fuil do chuim ‘s do bhèil ‘s do bhràghaid,                              Blood of your chest, your mouth, your neck

 Fuil do chuim ‘s do bhèil ‘s do bhràghaid                               Blood of your chest, your mouth, your neck

‘S tu nad shìneadh air na blàraibh.                                        And you lying there on the field.

 7. Norland Wind/The wild geese

 Tell me what was on yer road, ye roarin Norland wind? But saw ye nothing, leeing wind, afore you cam tae Fife?
As ye come blawin frae the land that's never frae ma mind For there's muckle lyin yond the Tay that's mair tae me nor life
Ma feet, they've travelled England, but I'm deein for the north "My man, I swept the Angus braes ye havnae trod for years"
"My man, I saw the siller tides run up the Firth o' Forth " Oh wind, forgie a hameless loon that canna see for tears?


Aye wind, I ken them weel eneuch, and fine they fa' and rise "And far above the Angus straths I heard the wild geese flee
And fane I’d feel the creepin mist on yonder shore that lies A lang, lang skean o' beatin' wings wi their heids towards the sea
But tell me as ye passed them by, what saw ye on your way? And aye their cryin’ voices trailed ahint them on the air"
"My man, I rocked the rovin gulls that sail abin the Tay" Oh wind, hae mercy, haud your wheesht, for I daurna listen mair

 8. Thug mi gaol                                                      I gave my love 

Thug mi gaol, thug mi gaol, thug mi gaol don fhear bhàn                             I gave love, I gave love I gave love to the fair-haired man

Agus gealladh dhutsa, luaidh, o cha dual dhomh bhith slàn                          And a promise to you love, oh, I am far from being well


Chaidh am bàta troimh na caoil leis na daoine Dimàirt                                   The boat went through the straits with the men on Tuesday

'S mise phaigh am faradh daor: bha mo ghaol air a clàr                                 It was I who paid the dear price: my love was on its deck        

Tacan mu’n do luaidh a ghrian bha mi’m fianais mo ghraidh                       Shortly before the sun sank, I was within sight of my love

Tha e nis air grùnnd a' chuain, o, gur fuar àite tàmh.                                       He is now at the bottom of the sea, o what a cold resting place


Bha mi bruadar an raoir, bha mi caoimhneas mo ghràidh                             I was dreaming last night, I was in the kind company of my love        

'S nuair a dhùisg mi as mo shuain, bha mi fuar falamh fàs                             When I woke from my sleep, I was cold, empty and desolate


Bha mi deas is bha mi tuath, bha min Cluaidh uair no dhà                             I was south and I was north I was near the Clyde once or twice

Dhe na chunna mi fon ghrèin thug mi spèis don fhear bhàn                        Of all those I saw under the sun I gave my love to the fair-haired man

Cha tèid mise 'thigh a' chiùil, thuit mo shùgradh gu làr                                  I'll not visit the house of music, my joy has gone

Bhon a chualas thusa rùin bhith 's a' ghrùnnd far nach tràigh                      Since I heard that you, love are on the sea bottom where there is no ebb       


9. Du weisser Schnee You white snow

Du weißer Schnee, du kühler Schnee, fällst du im fernen Land You white snow, you cool snow, do you fall in a far country

meinem Schatz in die braunen Haare, meinem Schatz auf die liebe Hand? on my darling’s brown hair on my darling’s beloved hand?

Du weißer Schnee, du kühler Schnee, und hat er auch nicht kalt? You white snow, you cool snow and is it not cold for him?

Sag, liegt er im weißen Felde, oder liegt er im dunklen Wald? Tell me, does he lie in the white fieldor does he lie in the dark forest?

Du weißer Schnee, du falscher Schnee, laß meinen Schatz in Ruh! You white snow, you false snow, leave my darling be!

Was deckst du ihm denn die Haare, und deckst ihm die Augen zu? Why are you covering his hair and covering his eyes?

Du falscher Schnee, du weißer Schnee, er ist ja gar nicht tot! You false snow, you white snow, he is not dead at all!

Vielleicht sitzt er gefangen bei Wasser und bei Brot. Perhaps he is imprisoned with water and bread.

Vielleicht er kommt bald wieder, er kann schon draußen stehen Perhaps he’ll return soon he might be standing outside right now

Und ich muss mir die Tränen wischen, sonst kann ich ihn ja nicht sehn and I must wipe away my tears, otherwise I won’t be able to see him     

 10. Chì mi, chì mi fada bhuam                               I see, I see far from me

 Chì mi, chì mi fada bhuam; E ho hia h ill eò                                     I see, I see far from me, e ho hia hu ill eo

Chì mi taobh deas san taobh tuath                                                       I see the south and the north

E ho hill ìll iù; Haori hillinn hò ho roho; E ho hia h ill eò.                E ho hill ill iu, haori hillinn h oho roho, e ho hia hu ill eo


Chì mi taobh deas san taobh tuath;                                                      I see the south and the north

Eala bhàn a snàmh ri cuan                                                                     A white swan swimming on the ocean


Eala bhàn a snàmh ri cuan;                                                                    A white swan swimming on the ocean

Eala bhàn a snàmh ri bruaich                                                                A white swan swimming near the banks


Eala bhàn a snàmh ri bruaich;                                                               A white swan swimming near the banks          

Chì mi Muile nam beann fuar                                                                I see Mull of the cold mountains


Chì mi Muile nam beann fuar;                                                               I see Mull of the cold mountains

 ‘S e mo cheist an gille donn                                                                  My love is the brownhaired lad


‘S e mo cheist an gille donn;                                                                  My love is the brownhaired lad

Rachadh a bharra nan crann                                                                  He’d climb to the top of the mast


Rachadh a bharra nan crann;                                                                 He’d climb to the top of the mast

Bheireadh air an fhidhill pong                                                               He’d play a tune on the fiddle


Bheireadh air an fhidhill pong                                                               He’d play a tune on the fiddle

Air an fhidhill s’air an tromb                                                                  On the fiddle and the jew’s harp


Air an fhidhill s’air an tromb                                                                  On the fiddle and the jew’s harp

 ‘S e mo cheist an gille còir                                                                     My love is the kind lad


‘S e mo cheist an gille còir;                                                                     My love is the kind lad

 ‘S tric a ghlèidh mo nàire dhomh                                                         Often he would hide my shame


‘S tric a ghlèidh mo nàire dhomh;                                                         Often he would hide my shame

‘N àm bhith cur na laoigh dhan chrò                                                    At the time when the calves were at the cattlefold.

 11. The Birks o’ Aberfeldy

 Now Simmer blinks on flowery braes, The braes ascend like lofty wa's,

And o'er the chrystal streamlets plays;   The foamy stream deep-roaring fa's,

Come let us spend the lightsome days O'erhung wi' fragrant spreading shaws,

In the birks of Aberfeldy. The birks of Aberfeldy.


Bonny laddie, will ye go, The hoary cliffs are crown'd wi' flowers,

Will ye go, will ye go; White o'er the linns the burnie pours,

Bonny laddie, will ye go And rising, weets wi' misty showers

To the birks of Aberfeldy. The birks of Aberfeldy.


The little birdies blythely sing Let Fortune's gifts at random flee,

While o'er their heads the hazels hing, They ne'er shall draw a wish frae me;

Or lightly flit on wanton wing, Supremely blest wi' love and thee,

In the birks of Aberfeldy. In the birks of Aberfeldy

12. Bean a’chòtain ruaidh Girl with the red coat

 Càit’ an robh mo leannan bòidheach, bean a’chòtain ruaidh                                     Where is my pretty darling, girl with the red coat

An robh i cas-rùisgt’ air an lòn is driùchd an fheòir cho fuar?                                      Was she barefoot in the meadow and the wetness of the grass so cold

No’n robh i ruith le casan beaga feadh nam preas is nam bruach                              Or was she running with little feet around the shrubs and the brae

Gun ghùn, gun chleòc, gun bhrèid, gun bhròig, ach ann a còtan ruadh.                  Without gown, cloak, scarf or shoes, but with her red coat.


Cuailean bòidheach ‘s fiamh an òir dheth ‘s dath an ròis ad ghruaidh.                     Pretty curls and a tint of gold on them, and rose-coloured cheeks

Suidh leam còmhla ‘s nì mi òran air do chòtan ruadh                                                   Sit with me and I will compose a song about your red coat

Tha’n còtan goirid mar is dluth dha, tighinn gu d’ghlùn a nuas                                   The coat is short as it should be, ending at your knees,

Ach troidh as bòidhche cha do chòmhdaich còta dubh no ruadh.                              But neither a black or red coat has ever graced such a pretty foot.


Righ, beannaich ‘s glèidh mo leannan ‘s cùm i fada buan.                                                       God, bless and keep my darling and may she have a long life                            

A dà shùil mheallach orm a’fanaid, ‘s a’cur car am dhuan                                                          Her two alluring eyes are mocking me and putting a twist in my song

Nuair bhios airgead ann am phòca, gheibh thu sròl thar chuan                                  When I have money in my pocket you will get silk from abroad

Ach cha bhi sròl no sìoda dhomhsa mar bha’n còtan ruadh.                                      But silk and satin can never compare with the red coat.


Càit’ an robh mo leannan bòidheach, bean a’chòtain ruaidh                                      Where is my pretty darling, girl with the red coat

An robh i cas-rùisgt’ air an lòn is driùchd an fheòir cho fuar?                                      Was she barefoot in the meadow and the wetness of the grass so cold

No’n robh i ruith le casan beaga feadh nam preas is nam bruach                              Or was she running with little feet around the shrubs and the brae

Gun ghùn, gun chleòc, gun bhrèid, gun bhròig, ach ann a còtan ruadh                    Without gown, cloak, scarf or shoes, but with her red coat.

 13. Rifugio bianco                                                                    The white mountain house

(Ladin)                                                                           (Italian)

Pena passà la valle la-oh                                          Appena attraversato la valle                             After passing the valley la-oh

E dopo on fià de bosco la-oh                                   E dopo un po’ di bosco                                And after a stretch of woods la-oh

Se slarga i prà nel cielo la-oh                                   Si aprono i prati nel cielo                             A meadow opens to the sky la-oh

La-oh varda quanti fiori la-oh.                                  Guarda quanti fiori                                     La-oh look at all the flowers la-oh.


Ecco lassù ‘na casa la-oh                                          Ecco lassù una casa                                     There's a house up there la-oh

En grande fiore bianco la-oh                                    Un grande fiore bianco                               A grand white flower la-oh

Sbocià de primavera, la-oh                                       Sbocciato a primavera                                Blooming in the springtime, la-oh

la-oh profumà d’amore la-oh                                  Profumato d’amore                                    la-oh scented with love la-oh


De not la par ‘na stela la-oh                                      Di notte sembra una stella                            At night it looks like a star

che slus a chi camina la-oh                                    Che illumine chi cammina                           that gives light to those who walk

e quando vien matina la-oh                                     E quando viene mattino                             And when the morning comes la-oh

la splende più del sole la-oh                                    Splende più del sole                                     it shines more than the sun la-oh


se slarga i prà nel cielo la-oh                                   Si allargano i prati nel cielo                             The meadows under the sky widen la-oh

dal nos rifugio bianco la-oh                                     Dal nostro rifugio bianco                            from our white refuge la-oh

che porta un nome caro la-oh                               Che porta un nome caro                            that bears a dear name la-oh

la-oh pena passà la valle la-oh. la-oh                 Appena attraversato la valle.                           just across the valley la-oh.

 14. Creag Ghuanach                       Guanach Rock

 Is co-aois mise dha ' n daraig                                                    I am of an age with the oak                                                                        

A liath a h-aillean anns a' choinnich,                                       Whose shoot turned grey in the moss,

' S iomadh linn a chuir mi romham,                                        Many an era have I survived,

' S mi comhachag bhochd na Sroine .                                     I am the poor owl of Strone.


Air minn o, iom o ro                                                                  Air minn o, iom o ro

Iom o agus iom o ro                                                                 Iom o agus iom o ro

Air minn o, na iom o ro                                                            Air minn o, iom o ro

Is aoibhinn leam an diugh na chi.                                           It is wonderful for me seeing it today.


Creag mo chridh' -sa, a' Chreag Ghuanach                           Rock of my heart, Guanach Rock

Creag 'san d'fhuair mi greis de m'arach                         Rock from which I gained some of its nurture,

Creag nan aighean's nan damh siulach                    Rock of the hinds and of the fleeting stags,

A'chreag urail, aigheach eunach.                                           It' s the outstanding, pleasant, grassy rock


Cha do chuir mi duil ' san iasgach                                            I had no desire for fishing,

Bhith ' ga iarraidh leis a ' mhaghar,                                         To be seeking them with the fly,

' S mòr gum b ' annsa leam am fiadhach,                               Much more I preferred hunting,

 Siubhal nan sliabh anns an fhoghar.                                      Roaming the hills in the autumn.


Creag mo chridh'-sa, a'chreag Ghuanach,                            Rock of my heart is the rock of Guanach,

'S ionmhainn leam an lòn tha fo ceann                dear is the meadow below its summit,

Is anns' an lag tha air a cùlaibh                                              dearer is the hollow behind it

Na machair is mùr nan Gall.                                                    than the plains and ramparts of the lowlanders.